I think this is a great idea! Feb 2003 I was driving home from Maryland to SC and I was traveling through Richmond, VA on I95 south. I saw a mini van pull over a few cars ahead and traffic was slow .... as it always is on that particular stretch of the highway. All of the sudden, a truck came by me speeding in the left lane and switched lanes (3 lanes) to the far right lane. I thought I was watching a movie in slow motion, but I saw that truck side-swipe the mini van. Later that night while sitting in my motel room in Petersburg, VA .... I saw on the 11pm local news that a woman and infant child were killed on I95 south due to a truck slamming into a parked vehicle on the side of the road. It was revealed that the woman pulled over to change the diaper of her crying infant. I've never felt such grief for someone I did not know. Both died at the scene.Your flag could have prevented this from happening because night time was upon us and it was raining! Kudos to you and your insight to bring awareness to this problem!! Forever Changed, Kimberly
From:xxx@live.com To:alertus@nexttyme.com Cc: Date:Wednesday, March 25, 2009 03:05 am Subject:There's A Need Hello NexTTyme LLC I'm writing to share something I observed recently that I think really shows the need for your product.
I and a business associate recently returned home to Charlotte, NC from a 17 hour road trip to Oklahoma City, OK. During our drive about 1 hour outside of OKC I noticed a guy lying under the back of his Suzuki Sidekick repairing it. I remarked to my business partner, "That guy needs one of NexTTyme's safety flags".
So I decided to count how many stranded cars I saw along the way...just to pass the time. During that trip, which lasted 17.5 hours I counted a total of 30 cars that were stranded and only one of them had something (a plastic grocery bag) displayed to show that they were disabled. Everyone of them was a danger to themselves and the people approaching them. As far as I could tell they were all empty (thank goodness). I also thought that it was good that the weather was clear that day and nite. But regardless of that they were still without any type of warning to oncoming drivers.
I recently purchased one of your products and proudly carry it in my car. And I made sure I had it before we hit the road. I will never hit the road without it. I always believed that your product is a must and should be in every car. I believe that even more strongly now. Keep doing what you're doing to promote your product.
Lives may depend on it. Sincerely, William M. Charlotte, NC
Wednesday, May 16, 2007 12:13 pm
Roadside Flag "AlertUs"
Mr. Evans,It was a pleasure discussing your product on the phone today. Below I have included some of the things we discussed that may help you in your endeavor.
Typically the use of a white object on a vehicle indicates the need for motorist assistance and not to communicate a hazard. Law enforcement and tow truck operators are trained that a white flag means that the vehicle is occupied and in need of assistance. I do think your device would aid in their efforts to identify motorists in need, particularly at night.
As I indicated on the phone, we will definitely keep your product in mind for any type of promotional items we may need for our future safety campaigns. Sincerely, Manager DOT Traffic Safety Section
Barksdale, Derrick <xxx@derrickbarksdale.com>
Thursday, August 09, 2007 11:47 am
I constantly probe the highways when driving for abandoned or broke down cars, and 90% of the time they are tagged by an old rag hanging out the window. This is the reason I think we need a product like the Roadside Flag to aid in the safety of motorist. This flag is reflective, and aids many highway patrol and safety officers in identifying vehicles that need assistance. When this product was developed I immediately bought two for both of my vehicles. There has been a long time need for a product of this nature, and I would recommend getting one for every vehicle you own. Any product that lessens road side tragedies is a needed product! Great Job Terry!!
While driving along the interstate, there was a disabled car on the off ramp of an exit. This car was already in danger of being hit by not having anything on the window to notify oncoming traffic that it was disabled. It was even more so in danger by being stranded on a side-winding ramp, in which oncoming drivers could not see it until rounding the curve. Once nightfall hit, I don't see how anyone would have seen the car sitting there. Your reflective flag would have benefited the owner in this difficult situation.
feedback@nexttyme.com <feedback@nexttyme.com>
Sunday, August 19, 2007 09:46 pm
Visitor Feedback from Your Website
First Name: Donna Last Name: Wright Company Name: New Life Address Line 1: City: Charlotte State: NC Zip Code: 28213 Country: US Daytime Phone: 7046048713 E-mail Address: DWright4@Gmail.com Give us your testimony: Mr. Evans,
We feel confident in your product and have provided these flags to our family and employees. In our business we take care of children and it feels good to know that if they are on an outing and have car trouble that someone will notice that they need help.
Thank you for providing us with a wonderful product.
Darlene Dunston <xxx@mgic.com>
Wednesday, August 29, 2007 06:19 pm
Roadside Alertus Flag
Mr. Evans,
Whatever your inspiration for creating and launching this product is to be commended. I think back to many times when I really wished that I had possession of the Alertus Flag. You see, I had an older model car, finally had to lay her to rest, but Chitty bang bang was getting a lot of flat tires or something or another and I often found myself on the side of the road. One evening in particular stands out because I could have been seriously hurt. The battery died on me and even though I was at major intersection, well lit, didn't stop the fact that some cars could not tell I was disabled. I was almost rear ended a few times before I could be towed.
I saw your brochure via friend and had no hesitation whatsoever . All I said was, I NEED THIS and purchased quite a few because I wanted my love ones to carry the flag too. Even though I have upgraded cars and haven't had to use my flag yet but no doubt, I have it!!!!
Darlene Dunston
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NexTTyme LLC PO Box 620328 Charlotte, NC 28262 Email: Inbox@nexttyme.com